Not all hearing losses are the same. The type of hearing loss someone has is only determined after careful examination of the entire auditory system and this must always be completed by a certified hearing professional.  Once the type of hearing loss is identified, this will determine the type of treatment the patient receives. Read below for the three types of hearing loss and what makes them different.

1. Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive hearing loss can be temporary or permanent and occurs when there is damage to the outer or the middle ear that prevents sound frequencies from being received and converted to nerve impulses in the inner ear. Conductive hearing loss can also occur due to an obstruction to the outer or middle ear. Those with conductive hearing loss often have

  • Infection of the ear canal or middle ear
  • Wax build-up
  • Holes or scaring on the eardrum

2. Sensorineural Hearing Loss

This more common form of hearing loss occurs when there is damage to the inner ear or to the nerve pathways that travel from the inner ear to the brain. Unfortunately, sensorineural hearing loss is a permanent type of hearing loss and is often the result of illness, genetics, aging, head trauma, damage due to prolonged exposure to loud noise and some medications that are toxic to the ear.

3. Mixed Hearing Loss

As you probably figured, mixed hearing loss is a combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. Mixed hearing loss can occur due to a prolonged conductive hearing loss or a sustained trauma to the ear.

If you think you may have hearing loss, make it a priority to book an appointment with a hearing professional. You can schedule an appointment by clicking the “Request an Appointment” tab in the top right corner of the page.

Are you ready to start your journey to better hearing? If you are a Canadian over the age of 18 who may have hearing loss, book a free hearing test with us today!

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